349 Rambling Way, Springfield, PA 19064
610-690-7345    [email protected]


Specials in our store beginning Fri., Jan 1 and while supplies last through Thurs., Jan 4:
50% OFF All Tomatoes and Peppers
50% OFF Perennials in 2 1/2″ diameter pots (8.75 oz., 250 ml)
25 to 50% OFF Selected Pond Items


Fruiting Peppers, reg. $12.99, $6.88
Ghost Peppers, sku 361218, reg. $14.99, $8.88
Always in Bloom and Combo Planters, class 351, 50% off
Gomphrena Las Vegas, sku 354310, reg. $7.99, $3.88
Portulaca and Purslane, sku 354726, 730, 750, reg. $7.99-9.99, $3.88
Flowering Tropical Plants, class 332, 50% off


All Peonies, class 732, 50% off
All Cannas and Elephant Ears, class 710, 40% off
Sparkling Burgunday Pineapple Lily, sku 710820, reg. $14.99, $8.88
All Perennial Salvia, class 729, 30% off